joestr's blog

2020 in revision

by Joel Strasser (joestr) on 2021-01-03T18:15Z


2020 has finally come to an end!

It was a really rough year for some folks. Espacially for people working in the health sector.

My year started of with announcing a restructuring process of my current infrastructure.
This took rather long to complete compared to other projects I have done but I re-organised
my servers (and my home infrastructure) one-by-one.

During this time I also gruated from the Higher Technical College in Villach.
Despite the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic the last semester went on as normal as it would be for 2020.

After graduating I had some spare time (obviously :D) to finishing the seamless ernourmous task of re-organising
the servers and all the services linked with them.

Later this year I dropped Drupal in favour of this website. I simply do not have the nerves and time for a
full-blown blog software since I only post one, two or three times a year.

In September my so-called Präsenzdienst started and I choosed to work at the Austrian Red Cross.
After I failed my medic certification the first time I nailed it one week later. The medic certification lasts for two years.

2020 was a year with many ups and downs and I hope 2021 will run smoothly, despite the fact that I hurt my knee badly yesterday. :(

Have a great year! :)

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